Precise Translations
English, French, Chinese — Russian

Get turnkey English-Russian translation for your document, website, or printed material 
Convey your idea, pitch, or message to the target audience

English-Russian consecutive interpreting

  Verbal Interpretation 

Grab your audience's attention, increase your market share, and boost the sales

        Audio-Visual Translation        

My name is Alexey Balynov, and I provide professional language services since 2012. 

I provide translations from English to Russian (and vice versa). Also I interpret in English-Russian pair (consecutively), including online by phone, Whatsapp, Skype, or Zoom. 

I am a recognized best technical translator who year-over-year wins the all-Russian and worldwide translators competitions. And I have an extensive experience in Russia and abroad for:

  • Cargill, biggest private US-based company (over 150,000 employees worlwide)
  • SIBUR, biggest Russian petrochemical company
  • Oil&Gas companies and EPC contractors: Lukoil, Gazprom-Neft (Moscow Refinery), Tecnicas Reunidas, Saipem
I have a specialist degree in Linguistics and Translation. My English level is C2 Proficient, and I am a certified English-Russian translator at ProZ (international community of certified translators). 

I am officially registered as a business person. Multiple payment options available.

There are "cheap & fast" translation, but I'm personally against such approach, as low-quality translations may have negative impact on your image and/or business.

My Achievements for Year 2024

  • Translated ~ 375,000 words (in-house & freelance). Biggest order – ca. 70,000 words (CNC machines).
  • Edited (Proofread). Biggest order – ca. 17,000 words
  • Provided interpreting services for numerous meetings (HSE, Construction, Procurement, Pre-Inspection meetings, Calculation Analysis).
  • Created subtitles for 84 minutes.

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